Designation-  Manager Marketing & Strategy (Branding & Promotion)

Location- Lucknow

Experience- 8+Years

Conclusion- Encourage hospital staff to promote hospital services by educating medical consultants and staff about marketingActivities,Conducting market research programs to identify and explore market segment, people health habits, the income andexpenditure pattern and their demand for health care, evaluate competitive hospitals and healthcare services.


Functional Area

1. Helping the organization towards achieving its vision and goals in line with its mission and culture by : -

i. Assisting the COO/ Chairman in Setting objectives for the organisation as a whole and for each department.
ii. Assisting the COO/ Chairman in implementing the set policies and strategies tohelp the departments and the organisation towards achieving the objectives.
iii. To develop a scale for measurement of performances.

2. Acting as a liaison between the Board of Directors and the COO/ Chairman.

3. Assisting the COO/ Chairman in designing broad level policies for and device strategies for:-

i. Effective marketing to build a brand salience along with Marketing Department
ii. Maximizing scope of services of the organisation profitably.
iii. Venturing into newer markets, developing product lines.
iv. Designing sales tactics in the form of packages.

4. Plan and direct promotion programs for optimum utilization of the services provided by the Hospital.

5. Management of Insurance related procedures and reimbursable activities.

Qualification 1. An MBA/PGDHM/MHA
2. Preferred experience in Healthcare marketing and sales
At least 8-10yrs of total experience in Healthcare comprising.

A. 4-5yrs of experience in strategic role in a healthcare organization.
B. 4-5yrs of experience in Healthcare marketing and sales.
Essential Skills 1. Understanding community needs.
2. Gathering market intelligence.
3. Assessing internal gaps.
4. Strong communication and leadership skills.

Job Description:-
Key Roles:

1. To Act as strategic bridge between the board of directors and the COO/ Chairman.

2. To help the COO/ Chairman in setting objectives for the organisation as a whole and for each department

3. Plan and direct promotion programs for optimum utilization of the services provided by the Institute.

4. Management of Insurance related procedures and reimbursable activities.

Authority and Responsibility

1. Conducting market research programs to identify and explore market segment, people health habits, the income andexpenditure pattern and their demand for health care, evaluate competitive hospitals and healthcare services.

2. Looking out for opportunities for widening the segments of population other than that are currently being served, throughestablishing a web site, help line wherein important and relevant information would be accessible to the consumers andother such relevant measures.

3. Preparing Health-care packages to offer competitive and innovative services to enhance utilization of the hospitalServices.

4. Developing and implementation of marketing strategies.

5. Encourage hospital staff to promote hospital services by educating medical consultants and staff about marketingActivities.

6. Coordinate marketing activities with advertising agencies. Prepare advertisements, brochures, posters, TV/radiocommercials to publish new and existing services.

7. To monitor customer satisfaction levels regularly and bring the deficiencies to the notice of the management forappropriate rectification measures.

8. Launching and re-launching of a product or service in order to meet the established targets for utilization and to reviewperiodically.

9. Image building through creating awareness among the user population by word of mouth, newsletters, liaison with theGP's, Nursing homes, etc. by conducting workshops, seminars and meetings to disseminate developments on themedical field in general and MIMS in particular.

10. Building relationships with customers through a value card system.

11. Introduce the general practitioners to the hospital. Make them a part of the system thus increasing the referral base for thehospital.

12. Organize continued medical education programs for both medical staff of the hospital as well as the practitioners' formoutside.

13. Responsible for the internal marketing, creating the sense of belongings within the institute.

14. Analyzing utilization of services and to calculate the variance.

15. Planning marketing department budget.

16. Liaise with the insurance agencies and third party payers and design policies suitable for the promotion of hospitalServices.

17. Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports of the Department.

Worker Traits:


• Willingness and ability to perform additional duties and responsibilities in different areas on a need basis as determined by the COO/ Chairman.
• Exhibits willingness to resolve problems.
• Flair for dealing with public.
• Excellent written and spoken skills.


• Ability to generate interest in other people to support plans.
• Keep long but flexible working hours.
• Mobility keeps him more out than inside office.

Physical Demands and Working Conditions:

• Regular periodic rounds of the Hospital.
• Field visits to corporate houses, competitors, patrons, etc.
• Ability to handle complaints with cool and calm.

Job Relations

Reporting to :COO / Head Operations.

Assisted by:Competent staff assigned to the department


Functional Area

1. Helping the organization towards achieving its vision and goals in line with its mission and culture by : -

i. Assisting the COO/ Chairman in Setting objectives for the organisation as a whole and for each department.
ii. Assisting the COO/ Chairman in implementing the set policies and strategies tohelp the departments and the organisation towards achieving the objectives.
iii. To develop a scale for measurement of performances.

2. Acting as a liaison between the Board of Directors and the COO/ Chairman.

3. Assisting the COO/ Chairman in designing broad level policies for and device strategies for:-

i. Effective marketing to build a brand salience along with Marketing Department
ii. Maximizing scope of services of the organisation profitably.
iii. Venturing into newer markets, developing product lines.
iv. Designing sales tactics in the form of packages.

4. Plan and direct promotion programs for optimum utilization of the services provided by the Hospital.

5. Management of Insurance related procedures and reimbursable activities.


2. Preferred experience in Healthcare marketing and sales
At least 8-10yrs of total experience in Healthcare comprising.

A. 4-5yrs of experience in strategic role in a healthcare organization.
B. 4-5yrs of experience in Healthcare marketing and sales.
Essential Skills 1. Understanding community needs.
2. Gathering market intelligence.
3. Assessing internal gaps.
4. Strong communication and leadership skills.

Job Description:-

Key Roles:

1. To Act as strategic bridge between the board of directors and the COO/ Chairman.

2. To help the COO/ Chairman in setting objectives for the organisation as a whole and for each department

3. Plan and direct promotion programs for optimum utilization of the services provided by the Institute.

4. Management of Insurance related procedures and reimbursable activities.

Authority and Responsibility

1. Conducting market research programs to identify and explore market segment, people health habits, the income andexpenditure pattern and their demand for health care, evaluate competitive hospitals and healthcare services.

2. Looking out for opportunities for widening the segments of population other than that are currently being served, throughestablishing a web site, help line wherein important and relevant information would be accessible to the consumers andother such relevant measures.

3. Preparing Health-care packages to offer competitive and innovative services to enhance utilization of the hospitalServices.

4. Developing and implementation of marketing strategies.

5. Encourage hospital staff to promote hospital services by educating medical consultants and staff about marketingActivities.

6. Coordinate marketing activities with advertising agencies. Prepare advertisements, brochures, posters, TV/radiocommercials to publish new and existing services.

7. To monitor customer satisfaction levels regularly and bring the deficiencies to the notice of the management forappropriate rectification measures.

8. Launching and re-launching of a product or service in order to meet the established targets for utilization and to reviewperiodically.

9. Image building through creating awareness among the user population by word of mouth, newsletters, liaison with theGP's, Nursing homes, etc. by conducting workshops, seminars and meetings to disseminate developments on themedical field in general and MIMS in particular.

10. Building relationships with customers through a value card system.

11. Introduce the general practitioners to the hospital. Make them a part of the system thus increasing the referral base for thehospital.

12. Organize continued medical education programs for both medical staff of the hospital as well as the practitioners' formoutside.

13. Responsible for the internal marketing, creating the sense of belongings within the institute.

14. Analyzing utilization of services and to calculate the variance.


Designation Manager Marketing & Strategy (Branding & Promotion)
Managerial Level Band 1
Functional Area 1. Helping the organization towards achieving its vision and goals in line with its mission and culture by : -

i. Assisting the COO/ Chairman in Setting objectives for the organisation as a whole and for each department.
ii. Assisting the COO/ Chairman in implementing the set policies and strategies tohelp the departments and the organisation towards achieving the objectives.
iii. To develop a scale for measurement of performances.

2. Acting as a liaison between the Board of Directors and the COO/ Chairman.

3. Assisting the COO/ Chairman in designing broad level policies for and device strategies for:-

i. Effective marketing to build a brand salience along with Marketing Department
ii. Maximizing scope of services of the organisation profitably.
iii. Venturing into newer markets, developing product lines.
iv. Designing sales tactics in the form of packages.

4. Plan and direct promotion programs for optimum utilization of the services provided by the Hospital.

5. Management of Insurance related procedures and reimbursable activities.

Qualification 1. An MBA/PGDHM/MHA
2. Preferred experience in Healthcare marketing and sales
At least 8-10yrs of total experience in Healthcare comprising.

A. 4-5yrs of experience in strategic role in a healthcare organization.
B. 4-5yrs of experience in Healthcare marketing and sales.
Essential Skills 1. Understanding community needs.
2. Gathering market intelligence.
3. Assessing internal gaps.
4. Strong communication and leadership skills.

Job Description:-
Key Roles:

1. To Act as strategic bridge between the board of directors and the COO/ Chairman.

2. To help the COO/ Chairman in setting objectives for the organisation as a whole and for each department

3. Plan and direct promotion programs for optimum utilization of the services provided by the Institute.

4. Management of Insurance related procedures and reimbursable activities.

Authority and Responsibility

1. Conducting market research programs to identify and explore market segment, people health habits, the income andexpenditure pattern and their demand for health care, evaluate competitive hospitals and healthcare services.

2. Looking out for opportunities for widening the segments of population other than that are currently being served, throughestablishing a web site, help line wherein important and relevant information would be accessible to the consumers andother such relevant measures.

3. Preparing Health-care packages to offer competitive and innovative services to enhance utilization of the hospitalServices.

4. Developing and implementation of marketing strategies.

5. Encourage hospital staff to promote hospital services by educating medical consultants and staff about marketingActivities.

6. Coordinate marketing activities with advertising agencies. Prepare advertisements, brochures, posters, TV/radiocommercials to publish new and existing services.

7. To monitor customer satisfaction levels regularly and bring the deficiencies to the notice of the management forappropriate rectification measures.

8. Launching and re-launching of a product or service in order to meet the established targets for utilization and to reviewperiodically.

9. Image building through creating awareness among the user population by word of mouth, newsletters, liaison with theGP's, Nursing homes, etc. by conducting workshops, seminars and meetings to disseminate developments on themedical field in general and MIMS in particular.

10. Building relationships with customers through a value card system.

11. Introduce the general practitioners to the hospital. Make them a part of the system thus increasing the referral base for thehospital.

12. Organize continued medical education programs for both medical staff of the hospital as well as the practitioners' formoutside.

13. Responsible for the internal marketing, creating the sense of belongings within the institute.

14. Analyzing utilization of services and to calculate the variance.

15. Planning marketing department budget.

16. Liaise with the insurance agencies and third party payers and design policies suitable for the promotion of hospitalServices.

17. Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports of the Department.

Worker Traits:


• Willingness and ability to perform additional duties and responsibilities in different areas on a need basis as determined by the COO/ Chairman.
• Exhibits willingness to resolve problems.
• Flair for dealing with public.
• Excellent written and spoken skills.


• Ability to generate interest in other people to support plans.
• Keep long but flexible working hours.
• Mobility keeps him more out than inside office.

Physical Demands and Working Conditions:

• Regular periodic rounds of the Hospital.
• Field visits to corporate houses, competitors, patrons, etc.
• Ability to handle complaints with cool and calm.


18. Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports of the Department.

Worker Traits:


• Willingness and ability to perform additional duties and responsibilities in different areas on a need basis as determined by the COO/ Chairman.
• Exhibits willingness to resolve problems.
• Flair for dealing with public.
• Excellent written and spoken skills.


• Ability to generate interest in other people to support plans.
• Keep long but flexible working hours.
• Mobility keeps him more out than inside office.

Physical Demands and Working Conditions:

• Regular periodic rounds of the Hospital.
• Field visits to corporate houses, competitors, patrons, etc.
• Ability to handle complaints with cool and calm.


Thanks & Regards      


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